
  • How to Redirect a Directory Using Htaccess

    There is occassion where you want to do a silent redirect (not a 301 redirect) from a directory to another directory.
    Doing silent redirect will make browser to assume that this redirection is a brand new URL, not like 301 redirect which tells browser to open (redirected to) another URL.

    We can use htaccess to do this 🙂

  • Redirect Single URL with Htaccess

    Sometimes you want to change some of your URL. For example you renamed your old html file. Or you have removed some of your old files and you want to redirect them to a new URL.

    But maybe other websites have linked to your old URL. You can’t contact them to change the URL, or you are too lazy to contact them, or maybe there are just so many backlinks pointed to the old URL so it is quite hard to change them all.

    To avoid losing link juice from other websites, we must redirect the old URL to the new URL, with permanent redirection.

  • Integrate reCAPTCHA v2 Into Pligg

    Pligg supports some CAPTCHA, including Solve Media, and old reCAPTCHA.
    Now i will write how to use reCAPTCHA v2 (click captcha) into Pligg.

    First, you must get Google reCAPTCHA keys.
    Second, open your Pligg admin, set the site & secret key under “CAPTCHA” sub menu and click “configure” next to reCAPTCHA.

  • Regularly Runs MySQL FLUSH QUERY CACHE

    In some situation, like suggested in some mysql optimization script, you may want to regularly run “FLUSH QUERY CACHE”.

    First, open your terminal and try to run this command :

    mysql -e 'FLUSH QUERY CACHE'

    If there is no error, you can add that command in your cron job, such as this command to run it every 10 minutes :

    */10 * * * * mysql -e 'FLUSH QUERY CACHE'
  • Setting MySQL innodb_buffer_pool_size

    I was confused how big i should set my “innodb_buffer_pool_size” value.

    Then i find this post in stackexchange.

    I can run this query to get what is the suggestion of “innodb_buffer_pool_size” value.

    SELECT CEILING(Total_InnoDB_Bytes*1.6/POWER(1024,3)) RIBPS FROM
    (SELECT SUM(data_length+index_length) Total_InnoDB_Bytes
    FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine='InnoDB') A;

    The result will be in GB.

  • iOS 9 Stuck in Slide to Upgrade

    Recently i just tried to upgrade my 2 devices :
    First, iPhone 5s from iOS 7 to iOS 9 using Wi-Fi.
    Second, iPad 2 from iOS 8 to iOS 9 using Wi-Fi.

    Upgrade of the iPad went successful.
    But on iPhone upgrade, i was stuck in “Slide to Upgrade” step.
    I could not do anything. I slided thousand times. Nothing happened.

  • How to Create and Extract Tar.gz File in Linux

    How to create tar.gz in Linux :

    tar -zcvf "archive.tar.gz" "file.sql"
    tar -zcvf "archive.tar.gz" "/home/example/public_html/"

    How to extract tar.gz in Linux :

    tar -zxvf "archive.tar.gz"
  • Javascript Get Content Stretch Size

    I had a situation like this :

    I have a content. The size (width and height) has been known.
    Now i want to stretch the content to the screen with some fill rate (for example max 90% of screen size).

    I made a javascript code below.

  • How to Install PECL Memcache in WHM / CentOS

    You can run these commands to install PECL memcache (not memcached).
    However, this memcache will work with memcached.

    tar xvfz memcache-3.0.8.tgz
    cd memcache-3.0.8
    make install

    Take note of the php extensions directory that memcache is installed in.
    Mine is: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/

    Then add this line to your php.ini

  • How to Install Memcached in WHM / CentOS

    I use Centos & WHM.
    Here is how to install memcached (not memcache) using command line.

    First, installing memcached

    tar -zxvf memcached-1.x.x.tar.gz
    cd memcached-1.x.x
    ./configure && make && make test && sudo make install
