Tag: Wordpress
Add Extra Security Using Cloudflare to WordPress Login Page
This is one of my idea to use Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Cloudflare Turnstile (Captcha) to add some extra security layer to your default wordpress login page by stopping most automated login attempt (or brute force).
Fix WordPress Cloudflare HTTPS Redirect Loop
If you use Cloudflare flexible SSL certificate to use HTTPS, in some case you may get redirect loop. I believe it is caused because WordPress does not recognize the “fake” SSL certificate. Fixing it is simple. Open your wp-config.php file, and find this first line <?php
PremiumPress – Coupon Theme Review
I purchased the VIP Club membership in PremiumPress, so i have access to all of their themes. Initially i was interested with their Auction Theme, which i need for my project. But i saw that their other themes looked good too, so i bought the bundle package. Now i will review their coupon theme. As…
Change WooCommerce Items Per Page
To change displayed WooCommerce Items Per Page, add this code to any PHP file (end of “woocommerce.php” / your theme functions.php, etc) // Woo commerce 9 items per page add_filter( ‘loop_shop_per_page’, create_function( ‘$cols’, ‘return 9;’ ), 20 );
Quick Adsense Random Align
Quick Adsense is one of useful WordPress Plugin which can be downloaded here http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/quick-adsense/ It can insert ads to your post content automatically. Here is a hack to make your ads to be aligned randomly left / right AND center / none :
WordPress 3.0.1 Dirilis
WordPress 3.0.1 sudah dirilis. Mari update WordPress kita 🙂 Berita resmi bisa dibaca di http://wordpress.org/news/2010/07/wordpress-3-0-1/
WordPress Login ReCAPTCHA Plugin
This WordPress plugin will add reCAPTCHA to login page. Why use reCAPTCHA instead of other CAPTCHA? Because reCAPTCHA is a powerful CAPTCHA.