Category: Server
How to Create and Extract Tar.gz File in Linux
How to create tar.gz in Linux : tar -zcvf “archive.tar.gz” “file.sql” tar -zcvf “archive.tar.gz” “/home/example/public_html/” How to extract tar.gz in Linux : tar -zxvf “archive.tar.gz”
How to Install PECL Memcache in WHM / CentOS
You can run these commands to install PECL memcache (not memcached). However, this memcache will work with memcached. wget tar xvfz memcache-3.0.8.tgz cd memcache-3.0.8 phpize ./configure make make install Take note of the php extensions directory that memcache is installed in. Mine is: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/ Then add this line to your php.ini extension=”/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/”
How to Install Memcached in WHM / CentOS
I use Centos & WHM. Here is how to install memcached (not memcache) using command line. First, installing memcached wget tar -zxvf memcached-1.x.x.tar.gz cd memcached-1.x.x ./configure && make && make test && sudo make install
How to Change SSH Port with WHM & CSF
If you are using WHM & CSF, under CentOS, you may follow this steps to change SSH port from 22 (default) to something else 🙂
How to Install ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) in WHM
To install ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) in WHM, please run this commands in your SSH terminal one by one. wget tar -xzf csf.tgz cd csf sh After it completes, there is a new menu in WHM which is under “Plugins” category, named “ConfigServer Security & Firewall”. 🙂
How to Install Litespeed in WHM
Here i will explain how to install Litespeed webserver in WHM. According to the Litespeed wiki : Open & login to your SSH terminal Execute this command to download the installer : wget Next we will make the file executable : chmod a+x Last step we can execute this command : (please check…
Exporting MySQL Databases Command Line in Linux
To export a mysql database by linux command line, for example your database name is my_database, your mysql username is my_username, and your mysql password is my_password, you can use this command : mysqldump –opt –single-transaction -umy_username -pmy_password my_database > /your/path/here/export.sql Note: after “-u” and “-p”, there is NO space. 🙂
MySQL Table “In Use” Repair
Recently when i optimized some mysql tables from phpmyadmin, some of the tables were “locked” and showed as “in use” on phpmyadmin. The tables could not be used, read, etc. So the script was stopped working. I have tried to repair / check / analyze from phpmyadmin but i couldn’t repair it. So i tried…